is an innovative online help portal to select the most excellent coaching for exam preparation and an extensive search engine for the students, parents, and education industry players who are seeking information on the coaching sector in India. It is a one-stop site to guide about everything students need to prepare & cater for any examination to supplement success.

  • user experience design
  • web development


Project Size

$10,001 to $25,000

Technologies Used

  • html
  • javascript
  • jquery
  • laravel


Mr. Arun Garg

Director, Prepeasy Coachingselect Private Limited

Jaipur, India

Company Size : 11 to 20 employees

By Mr. Arun Garg, Director, Prepeasy Coachingselect Private Limited

Jaipur is known as a pink city and popular for its old culture, when it comes to IT and technology, we always think about Bangalore and other cities like Pune, Hyderabad, etc., but I wonder why we leave or do not think about Jaipur in this category.  Companies like IMG Global Infotech Private Limited in Jaipur, which works in every sector of the IT industry but primarily in APP and Web development, are also customer-focused. Mr. Neeraj and Mohit are the founders of the company, and after having abundant projects, they manage to fulfil each customer's requirements and also handle their pampering like it's an in-house project only. They have developed the entire project of CoachingSelect in just six months, whereas we thought it would take one plus years, and have gone beyond the requirements that we had initially in mind. Post-development, they care for the web like a baby. By doing so, we have grown exponentially and now have good footprints in the EdTech industry. I'm Arun, founder of CoachingSelect, and I recommend IMG to all who have the vision of a startup and require IT support in any manner.

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